Saturday, 10 November 2012

Artist Alice Wilson


It is the balance between what is real and what is perceived to be real, and also the use of nature as a representation of an ideological reality that are key to my practice. With particular interest directed towards the lens, I am considering how our experience of the landscape is understood and attempting to assess the many differing ways in which technology plays a role. I am interested in whether or not we are more inclined to accept a photograph as a genuine depiction of reality, and the way in which painting and photography has informed what we think of as landscape.

A view  through Alice's work

From the late 18th century, Romanticism reacted against the rational thought of the Enlightenment and tried to negate prescriptive qualities of science. It explored the emotions that could be caused by the contemplation of the world and often that of nature, the philosopher Immanuel Kant drew attention to emotions such as terror and awe as being triggers of the Sublime. Through my work I attempt to asses these histories relevance in a contemporary context, and ask where it is we might find a modern day comparison.

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